Devlog 6: Combat

Next up I had to start working on the part of the project that I was most fearing, Combat.

To start this I knew I would need to find a way to make a collider on the character's sword that would only be active during the attack itself. So first I needed a sword.

So I started my work by implementing the players attack animation, this involved a whole host of new animation issues making the attack blend with the movement animations because no one wants to be locked in place while attacking. Luckily I was able to find some great resources and got it blending nicely with my existing animations.

Next, we got the collider on the sword and using my animation code to set that collider to only function during the initial swing of the animation.

Lastly to kill the enemy, to accomplish this I created an enemy manager, and gave my enemy health, and hooked that up to take damage from the player's sword, I think linked the health to a death animation for the enemy that would stop its FSM from continuing to follow.

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